Some of the great thrills of riding a motorcycle are having the wind in your hair and the sense of freedom from the open road. It is this feeling that leads many riders to forgo the very thing that could save their lives in an Arizona motorcycle crash – a helmet. While wearing a helmet when the temperature reaches 115 degrees and higher doesn’t sound attractive, it is one decision that could mean the difference between life and death.
In Arizona, the motorcycle helmet law is pretty lax. Only children 17 years old and under are required to wear one. Whichever side of the debate you might be regarding our state’s helmet law, one thing is for certain – helmets often prevent fatal brain injuries. Below are some startling statistics compiled by the Brain Association of America:
Motorcycle wrecks are generally far more serious than other types of vehicle collisions. A person has an “armor of protection” when in a passenger vehicle, but a motorcyclist has nothing between him or her and the pavement.
If you have been severely injured in a motorcycle accident in Phoenix, Mesa, Queen Creek, Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale or anywhere in Maricopa County, you need to contact the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen. By contacting our firm, you will receive a free case evaluation by an experienced Mesa motorcycle accident attorney who formerly represented some of the big insurance companies.
For more information, contact us by calling 480-632-7373 or filling out our online form.
Be sure to order your free copy of attorney Kevin Jensen’s book, 9 Huge Mistakes That Can CRUSH your Arizona Accident Case.
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